Dr. rer. nat. Stefanie Klingenstein

PostDoc & Stellvertretende Institutsdirektorin


Klingenstein M, Wüstner LS, Klingenstein S., Kleger A, Frey KG, Nikbin MR, Milazzo A
Generating iPSCs with a High-Efficient, Non-Invasive Method-An Improved Way to Cultivate Keratinocytes from Plucked Hair for Reprogramming
Cells, 2022, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35741085/

Moritz Klingenstein, Stefanie Klingenstein, et al.
Evidence of SARS-CoV2 Entry Protein ACE2 in the Human Nose and Olfactory Bulb
Cells Tissues Organs, 2018, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33486479/

Get in touch

Email: stefanie.klingenstein@uni-tuebingen.de
Phone: +49 7071 2985215
Room: 105
Pubmed: Visit